Publications and Presentations

Joseph J. Hochreiter, CGWP

Selected Publications and Conference Presentations, 1987 to present:

Hochreiter, J.J. 2016. Speaker at “NJ Future Redevelopment Forum 2016.” March, 2016, New Brunswick, NJ.

13 Authors (including Hochreiter, J.J.) 2015. Proposed Approach for Establishing a Sub-Regional Classification Exception Area for a Portion of Jersey City: NJ Builders Association. Presented to NJ DEP for review and adoption.

Hochreiter, J.J. 2013. Speaker at Groundwater Foundation Conference on Groundwater sustainability, Orlando, FL.

Hochreiter, J.J. 2013. Speaker at “NJICLE 2013 Annual Redevelopment Law Institute,” NJ Law Center, New Brunswick, NJ.

Hochreiter, J.J. 2013. Moderator for Technical Session “Vapor Intrusion.” NJWEA Site Remediation Conference.

Hochreiter, J.J. 2011. Moderator for Technical Session “Constituents of Emerging Concern and Cumulative Risk Models.” NJWEA Site Remediation Conference.

Hochreiter, J.J. 2010. Moderator for Technical Session “LSRP Case Studies.” NJWEA Site Remediation Conference.

Hochreiter, J.J. 2010. Speaker at “Managing Liability and Risk Under the NJ Site Remediation Reform Act.” NJICLE Conference, NJ Law Center, New Brunswick, NJ.

Hochreiter, J.J. 2009. Moderator for Technical Session “How to Use the Impact to Ground Water Standards for Soils.” NJWEA Site Remediation Conference.

Hochreiter, J.J. 2009. Faculty for “Site Remediation Reform Act and the LSRP Program” course, Rutgers University, Cook College, New Brunswick, NJ.

Hochreiter, J.J. 2009. Faculty for “Brownfields: Emerging Issues in Redevelopment” course, Rutgers University, Cook College, New Brunswick, NJ.

Hochreiter, J.J. & van der Heijden, Michael. 2009. Moderators for “Understanding the Risks of Being an LSRP: Liability and Insurance Considerations” seminar, EBC/CIANJ and NJLSRPA, Edison NJ (see also “Commerce,” January, 2010).

Hochreiter, J.J. 2007. “Can Science and Policy Align to Address Southern New Jersey’s Growing Demand for Water?” New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute Journal (New Jersey Flows), Spring 2007 issue.

Hochreiter, J. J. 2006. “Current Issues on Water Availability and Regulation in New Jersey.” Presented at the New Jersey Conference of the American Water Works Association, Red Bank, New Jersey, September 2006.

Hochreiter, J. J. 2005. “Groundwater in New Jersey: The Regulated Community’s Perspective.” Presented at the NJWEA Groundwater 2005 Conference, East Brunswick, NJ.

Hochreiter, J.J. 2004. “Water Supply Wars in Southern New Jersey – A Case Study.” Presented at the Water Supply and Water Quality Management Update in the Delaware River Basin Seminar, Lorman Education Services, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and in 2006, Atlantic Builders Convention, Atlantic City, NJ.

Holliday, V.E., R.M. Washburn, R.M., and J.J. Hochreiter. 2004. “Water Wars East of the Mississippi: A Case Study in Southern New Jersey.” NGWA Ground Water and Environmental Law Conference, Chicago, IL and in 2005, NAHB-LANDS Conference in Mystic CT.

Hochreiter, J. J.. 2004.” Water Supply in South Jersey – Crisis vs. Reality.” Atlantic County Groundwater Task Force, Egg Harbor Twp., NJ.

Havranek, T.J., J.J. Hochreiter, and B. Carney. 2003. “Quantitative Decision Analysis & Probabilistic Modeling in Support of Property Condemnation Proceedings and Site Redevelopment Planning.” Presented at the RevTech (Brownfields Redevelopment) Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, July.

Co-Chair, Water Environment Association 8th Industrial Waste Conference, 2002, Session on Remediation of Contaminated River Systems: Atlantic City, New Jersey; 2003 – Served on 9th Industrial Waste Technical Conference Committee.

Co-Chair and Presenter, Manko, Gold, Katcher and Fox/BBL Conference on New Jersey’s Natural Resource Damages Program, 2002, Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Included presentation of paper: Hochreiter, J. J. 2002. “How Does New Jersey Calculate Natural Resource Camage Claims?”

Rooney, John, J.J. Hochreiter, and H. Crowley. 2002. “When You Find a Toxic Dump Site on Main Street, What Can You Do?” New Jersey League of Municipalities Magazine, June.

Sperry, K.L., C. Stanley, K. Kelley, and J.J. Hochreiter. 2001. “Field Trial of In Situ Iron Catalyzed Persulfate (ICP) Oxidation of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (CVOCS).” Presented at the First International Conference on Oxidation and Reduction Technologies for In Situ Treatment of Soil and Groundwater (ORTs-1), Ontario, Canada, and Batelle Conference, May 2002, California.

Hochreiter, J.J. Jr. June 2001. “Focus 2000: Blueprint for Urban Redevelopment of the City of Perth Amboy.” Presented at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ‘Brownfields Summit’, Washington, DC.

Hochreiter, J.J. Jr., and T.V. Taylor. April 1998. “Discrete-Interval Testing to Characterize the Vertical Extent of VOC Contamination in Piedmont Bedrock.” Presented at the SMARTech ‘98 Conference, Raleigh, NC; and NGWA 1998 Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Cox, S.A., J.J. Hochreiter, and D.J. Stout. October 1995. “Using Risk-Based Remedy Selection to Minimize Remedial Response Costs – A Case History.” Presented at the Hazardous Waste Management Association Superfund Conference.

Hochreiter, J.J., J.P. McBurney, and J.L. Davey. May 1993. “Development of a Monitoring Program to Evaluate the Effectiveness of an In-Situ Solidification Remedy at a New Jersey Superfund Site.” Presented at the NGWA Outdoor Action Conference.

Wardrop, D.H., J.J. Hochreiter, and D.J. Rosenbaum. 1989. “Use of Preliminary Risk Assessment in the RI/FS Process: Can it Expedite Site Remediation?” Presented at the Nittany Geoscience, Inc., ERM, Inc., and Envirologic Data, Inc. Society for Risk Assessment Annual Meeting.

Imbrigiotta, T.E., J. Gibs, T.V. Fusillo, G.R. Kish, and J.J. Hochreiter. 1988. Field Evaluation of Seven Sampling Devices for Purgeable Organic Compounds in Ground Water. Ground-Water Contamination: Field Methods, ASTM STP 963, A.G. Collins and A.J. Johnson, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1988, pp. 258-273.

Hochreiter, J.J., Jr. 1988. “An Example of the Complexity of Hazardous Waste Impacts on Ground Water Quality.” Presented at the New Jersey Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting.

USGS Bibliography for Joseph Hochreiter, Jr., CGWP Prior to 1987:

Lewis, J.C., Hochreiter, J.J., Barton, G.J., Kozinski, Jane, and Spitz, F.J., 1991, “Hydrogeology of, and Ground-Water Quality in, the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in the Logan Township Region, Gloucester and Salem Counties, New Jersey”: U.S.G.S. Water-Resources Investigation Report 90-4142.

Kozinski, Jane, Lacombe, P.J., Hochreiter, J.J., and Lewis, J.C., 1990, “Chemical and Geophysical Investigations of Ground Water at Five Industrial or Waste Disposal Sites in Logan Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey,” 1983-87: U.S.G.S. Water-Resources Investigations 90-4004.

Kozinski, Jane, Hochreiter, J.J., Jr., and Vowinkel, E.F., 1987, “The Management and Use of Organic Non-Priority Pollutant Data” U.S.G.S. Open-File Report.

Kish, G.R., and Hochreiter, J.J. Jr., 1987, “Ground-Water Sampling Considerations; in Fusillo, T.V., (editor), Design and Implementation of Ground-Water Quality Appraisals,” U.S.G.S. Water-Resources Investigations.

Hochreiter, J.J., Jr., Kozinski, Jane, and Lewis, J.C., 1986, “Characterization of Organic Ground-Water Contamination at a Waste-Oil Disposal Site, Bridgeport, N.J.,” EOS-Transactions of the AGU Fall Meeting v. 67, p. 945.

Hochreiter, J.J., Jr., Kozinski, Jane, and Lewis, J.C., 1986, “Analysis of Quality-Assurance Samples Collected During an Investigation of Hazardous-Waste-Disposal Facilities in Logan Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey,” U.S. Geological Survey First Northeastern Regional Water-Quality Symposium, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, March 31-April 3, 1986.

Paulachok, G.N., Walker, R.L., Duran, P.B., Hochreiter, J.J., Jr., Farnsworth, John, and Boyle, J.T., 1985, “Marine Well Drilling Program for Estimating the Seaward Extent of Fresh Ground-Water and Evaluating the Likelihood of Saltwater Intrusion near Atlantic City, New Jersey,” EOS-Transactions of the AGU Fall Meeting v. 66, p. 889-890.

Imbrigiotta, T.E., Gibs, Jacob, Fusillo, T.V., Kish, G.R., and Hochreiter, J.J., Jr., 1985, “Field Evaluation of Sampling Devices for Purgeable Organic Compounds in Ground Water,” American Society for Testing and Materials Symposium on Field Methods for Ground Water Contamination Studies and Their Standardization, Cocoa Beach, Florida, February 2-7, 1986.

Imbrigiotta, T.E., Gibs, Jacob, Fusillo, T.V., Hochreiter, J.J., Jr., and Kish, G.R., 1985, “Field Comparison of Ground-Water Sampling Devices for Recovery of Purgeable Organic Compounds,” U.S. Geological Survey 2nd Toxic Waste-Ground-Water Contamination Technical Meeting, Hyannis, Massachusetts, October 21-25, 1985.

Hochreiter, J.J. Jr., and Kozinski, Jane, 1985, “Quality of Water and Bed Material in Streams of Logan Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey, 1984,” U.S.G.S. Water Resources Investigations 85-4300.

Hochreiter, J.J., Jr., Kozinski, Jane, Lacombe, P.J., and Lewis, J.C., 185, “Ground-Water Pollution in an Outcrop Area of a Coastal Plain Aquifer System: Logan Township, New Jersey, “Proceedings from the Second Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of New Jersey, Aquifer Symposium, p. AQ 8-AQ 10.

Fusillo, T.V., Hochreiter, J.J., Jr., and Lord, D.G., 1985, “Water-Quality Data for the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy Aquifer System in Southwestern New Jersey, 1923-83,” U.S.G.S. Open-File Report 84-737.

Fusillo, T.V., Hochreiter, J.J., Jr., and Lord, D.G., “Distribution of Volatile Organic Compounds in a New Jersey Coastal Plain Aquifer System,” Ground Water, v. 23, no. 3 (1985), p. 354-360.

Hochreiter, J.J., Jr., 1982, “Chemical-Quality Reconnaissance of Water and Surficial Bed Material in the Delaware River Estuary and Adjacent New Jersey Tributaries, 1980-81,” U.S.G.S. Water Resources Investigations 82-36.

Fusillo, T.V., and Hochreiter, J.J., Jr., 1982, “Relationship of Organic Contamination in Ground-Water to Land Use: A Case Study in the New Jersey Coastal Plain, “EOS-Transactions of the AGU Spring Meeting, v. 63, p. 317.